Haven't they grown up? Family photos show Walton sextuplets 27 years on
By Andrew Levy
As the world's only all-female sextuplets, they share the closest possible bond and have faced all of life's little hurdles together.
For many years the Walton sisters – first-born Hannah, who was followed by Luci, Ruth, Sarah, Kate and Jennie – celebrated their similarities and would pose together for photos in the same school uniforms.
But now, after spending much of the past decade out of the limelight to live more privately, the 27-year-olds are all keen to stress their individuality. Happy family: Janet and Graham Walton's daughters (from left) Hannah, Ruth, Luci, Kate, Jennie and Sarah
Two of the sisters, who were born within four minutes of each other on November 18, 1983, are now brunettes. And while the other four still have their blonde locks, there are three different shades between them.
The siblings have also struck out in different directions for their careers, with some working abroad and others taking jobs in the UK.
Yet four still live in the eight-bedroom family home in Wallasey, Wirral, with parents Graham and Janet, a fifth will be returning this summer and the sixth lives just down the road. Mrs Walton, 58, said: 'Jennie was a bit of a leader because she climbed out of her cot first, Luci was shy as a toddler but has made up for that now, Sarah was the quietest, although not now, Ruth is quite bossy, Kate is academic and Hannah is very articulate and organised.
'But they've always been close and they talk to each other all the time. And we still have meeting around the kitchen table, which we had for any big decision, such as parties, birthdays or school.'
Hannah, who was the lightest baby at 2lb 1oz, is studying for her PGCE teaching qualification to work in a primary school. She is currently single and enjoys shopping, reading and meeting friends in her spare time. The sextuplets' mother said: 'Jennie was a bit of a leader because she climbed out of her cot first, Luci was shy as a toddler but has made up for that now' Mrs Walton continues: 'Sarah was the quietest, although not now, Ruth is quite bossy, Kate is academic and Hannah is very articulate and organised'
'When we were younger people would get us confused but not so much now. You can tell we're sisters if we're all lined up. I don't think we look as alike now,' she told the Daily Mirror.
Luci, who was 2lbs 15oz at birth, worked as a holiday rep in Spain for two years before becoming an air stewardess.
She lives five minutes from home with her fiancé of three years and likes going to the pub with friends. 'I used to be really shy but I'm not any more. I think the repping I did sorted that out,' she said. 'Me and Ruth are very similar and probably most alike as we like to go and have a good drink. But I think me and Hannah look the most alike.' Ruth, who was 2lb 11oz, is an admin worker who returned home 18 months ago after being made redundant. The Liverpool FC fan, who has a long-term boyfriend, said: 'I don't feel special – I just have five sisters who are all the same age. Extraordinary bond: The sisters' childhood was documented on film until they were 18, but this is one of the first times we have seen them since
Six daughters: The Walton girls were the world's first surviving all female sextuplets
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